Ecumenical Leadership Ministry

Leadership is a process in which a person continuously develops themselves, demonstrate areas of maturity, and creates Founders of Ecumenical Leadership Ministry are Rev. Jerome Brown & Ann Stevens-Brown

Headquarters is 156 Henrietta Street, Carlisle, SC 29031

Phone - 8643093118


Faith based,



Approved by the Sons of Allen University, November 26, 2024

Rev. Jerome Brown, Overseer

Ann Stevens-Brown, Director of Admissions

Our Mission

Ecumenical Leadership Ministry is about equality, change, community, teamwork, leadership, and accountability. Ecumenical Leadership Ministry is a Five star school.

A well developed leader knows his or her team better than anyone else, their strengths and weakness, what makes them tick, and what motivates them.

People need goals and measures that are directly linked to the vision.

Effective leadership enables followers to succeed
Certificate Program—4 Months—/$100

Associate degree—5 Months— $100

Bachelor degree—9 months—$300

Master Degree—13 months — $400

Doctorate Degree —15 Months— $450

Senior citizen/Veterans FREE

For further information please contact Ann Stevens-Brown, Director of Admissions. Phone:8644291108
Ecumenical Leadership Ministry is a Non - profit that creates lasting positivity, rooted in people to represent from all walks of life nationally.


Leadership is the process in which a person continuously develop them– selves, demonstrates areas of maturity, and creates influence where others follow.

Ecumenical Leadership will be providing a Doctorial degree in Leadership, Masters degree in Leadership and Bachelors in Leadership.

Academic Training We Provide

To Equip, Enrich, Educate, Inspire

Contact Info

Director of Admission, Ann Stevens-Brown

Overseer, Rev. Jerome B. Brown

Contact Us